STEM on Wheels

STEM on Wheels

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Childhood Memories Trip

Theme: Childhood Memories- park tour

The idea behind our trip is to explore the public parks of Dayton by biking safe routes and doing activities from a childhood perspective at each. These activities include games, splash pads, and ice-cream!
Total miles: 13.5
Total time: 9 am- 3:06 pm
*In this timing we have added ten minutes to each bike ride because we ride slow, you may be faster, if so, go you!

DRSS- leave at 9 am
- We ended up leaving STEM at 8:45 in the morning, which got us to State Farm Park fifteen minutes early. This was good because it gave us time for issues and error, which is very important in a day trip.

State Farm Park- 16 minutes, 2.6 miles
Arrive: 9:16 am
Break: 9:16-9:21
Kickball: 9:21- 10:06
Leave: 10:10
- The ride to State Farm Park was relatively easy because we had ridden it many times before. Once we arrived we took a few minutes to catch our breaths and get situated. At the park we decided to play kickball on the baseball diamond, so we had to set it up. A baseball diamond is made to have bases, there were holes in the ground where the bases would go. We did not have bases available so Mrs. Curran suggested to stick random objects in the holes so we would not , "trip and break our ankles." It worked for the game of kickball because nobody got hurt. Once we made the playing area safe, we choose teams with eleven on each. Then the game began. We found that kicking low was a more successful way to get a run because the out fielders were constantly catching fly balls and getting people out. We also learned that we are really good at kicking foul balls. Overall, we kicked more foul balls then normal kicks.
The game begins.

Jonathan about to kick the ball

The winning kickball team

The other kickball team

Steffi rocking kickball

Indian Riffle Park- 17 minutes, 2.2 miles
Arrive: 10:27
Break: 10:27;10:32
Ultimate Frisbee/ skate park: 10;32- 11:19
Leave: 11:24
Since we were ahead of schedule, we took our time on the ride to Indian Riffle. More of this ride was off the bike path and on actual roads, so we had to be more cautious. Once at the park, we rode over to the field by the school, and split up teams while explaining the instructions. We were broken in to four teams of five to six players. We then had to also set up goal points and boundary lines, for this our biking helmets were used. After doing this, we were ready to play!

Mr. Grieve dominating ultimate Frisbee

T.J. receiving the frisbee

 We played a tournament style of ultimate Frisbee. We had two games going at one time which each consisted of two teams and played each for fifteen minutes. Which ever team won at the end of the time limit, played against the other winning team. This took about forty-five minutes and got us working hard and extremely sweaty. It had been the hottest day of the week with temperatures in the high eighties.

The tournament has begun

Caleb showing off his mad skills

Since we were ahead of the planned schedule, we took some time to sit down in the shade by the duck pond. Some of our class tried to skip rocks, but it was more like they were stoning the water.

Hanging out by the duck pond

Resting after the tournament

After some resting and refueling, we made our way over to the bathroom, making sure not to run over the day camp kids that were walking along the paths.

On the way to the restroom we had a bump in the road, and had a person in our group, Madi, fall on the pavement. She was able to get up and ride to the restroom, but was banged up pretty badly. Her knee was getting swollen, so we called Mr. Federinko, our counselor, to pick her up and bring our lunch early. We were planning to eat at JF Kennedy park, but plans changed, and we were fine with eating earlier.

Mr. Federinko arrives with lunches!

Madi's biking injury

*Safety Tip: When riding in groups, be sure to space yourself comfortably and appropriately. This is important so if one person crashes, people behind them don't crash or run the crashed person.

We ended up staying by the skate park, to eat lunch and hang out. Some kids tried to do parkour, tricking, on the skate park, but we all know they were really just running and jumping around.

Kyle doing parkour at the skate park

Everyone rushes to get their lunches

 We also had some pretty intense games of slaps played while waiting for our lunch. After eating our lunches, we got all packed up and ready to go. Just as we started to roll out, Evan's tire popped which gave us about twenty more minutes to rest as the tire was repaired. By the time we left it was around noon and we had witnessed two setbacks. These took up about the same amount of time as we gained that morning from leaving early.

Mr. Grieve, D.J., Sterling, and T.J. playing slaps

JF Kennedy Park- 22 minutes, 2.2 miles 
arrive: 11:46
Lunch: 11:46- 12:05
splash pad: 12:05- 12:25
We arrived at JFK park around twelve thirty to an astonishing surprise that a large majority of the children from the Dayton area were occupying the splash pad.

 The splash pad with children everywhere

Mrs. Curran was worried we would harm the young children, so we were advised to go in, get wet, and come straight back. This seemed like too much work, so most people just dumped bottles of water on their heads around the drinking fountains. While at the park, we took the time to rest at picnic tables and play more card games. Mr. Grieve is the ultimate champion at slaps, and is ruthless to anyone who plays.

Everyone getting wet at JFK park

After some chill time, we packed up and got ready to bike out. We were headed to Delco Park next.

Delco Park- 28 minutes, 3.5 miles
arrive: 12;58
break: 12:58- 1:03
Soccer and volleyball: 1:03- 1:48  
leave: 1:53

On our trip over to Delco more things went wrong. But what can you do? We were taking an interesting way through trees, to get to the bike path, when Adya's back tire deflated.

Most Memorable Moment: This is when Adya had a flat tire on the way to Delco park. This took a long time to fix because Adya had never changed a flat tire on a bike. Another issue is the inner tube kept popping out of the tire itself.

 Adya after her bike was fixed

Most of the group had gone through to the path already, so a small majority of our group stayed back to help. It took a large amount of time, about forty minutes to fix the tire. With the lost time, we decided to skip Delco and Rittters because we had to get back to school in time. We left the place of the incident and decided to head to Dairy Queen instead of Ritters. By this point in time, we were all sweaty, tired, and wanted food.

 The group waiting because of the flat tire

Ritter's Custard Dairy Queen-22 minutes, 2.2 miles
arrive: 2:15
leave: 2:45
Instead of Ritteres we made our way to Dairy Queen which was closer and easier to get to.

Just arrived at Dairy Queen

Everybody enjoyed the cool treat, even Mrs.Curren who is considered to be very healthy. We then trekked back through Delco Park and onto Woodmen to make our way back to the school.

Mrs. Curran and Mr. Grieve relaxing at Dairy Queen

DRSS- 21 minutes, 2.1 miles 
arrive: 3:06
We ended up getting back to school around 2:30 and hung out for the rest of the day.

Citation: City of Kettering. (n.d.). Retrieved June 8, 2015, from

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